our global citizen education booklets
Free lesson plans and resources to support you in delivering engaging and impactful climate literacy education in your schools.
Gce booklet for secondary schools
Welcome to this teacher's resource booklet, developed during our flagship Climate and Nature Summits. We’ve collaborated with expert guest speakers, to create dynamic workshops that offer fresh perspectives not found in textbooks. Our goal is to provide you and your students with informative sessions that inspire critical thinking, foster whole-school conversations, and promote meaningful climate action.
Teachers and students have given us positive feedback, and we hope these resources will be valuable for your classroom. The sessions are designed for both teachers and students to learn together in this rapidly evolving field.
Each session includes a worksheet (with answers) and a walking debate, all enclosed in this booklet. Students found the worksheets helpful for focusing and making the sessions more accessible. The walking debates are crucial for helping students process what they've learned and express their thoughts.
Gce booklet for primary schools
Many of the resources in this booklet were created for the Climate and Nature Summit, a yearly event hosted by the ISSN. We have had several collaborating partners including GAP Ireland, Education Support Centres Ireland, Education for Sustainability and ECO-UNESCO.
The lessons received lots of positive feedback from teachers and schools around the country and we hope that they prove to be a valuable resource for you and your students.
This resource has been designed so that teachers and students can learn together. You can watch the video lessons with your class and stop when prompted to engage in a discussion or activity. However, some teachers like to watch the video first and then deliver the lesson content themselves. Each of the lessons is aligned with learning outcomes/objectives from the Irish Primary School Curriculum. These are listed at the beginning of each lesson and can be copied for your planning.
Many additional resources are linked on the following pages, all of which can be accessed on this Padlet.