WELCOME TO … tHE Climate and nature summit 23/24

What is the c&N Summit?

The Climate and Nature Summit is a series of FREE engaging online workshops running throughout the school year.

It is an opportunity to create a space for a whole school climate and nature conversation on world awareness days:

Monday October 16th World Food Day

Monday November 27th COP28

Friday January 26th International Day of Clean Energy

Thursday March 21st International Day of Forests

how can you get involved?

This year we’re doing things a little differently and mixing things up - instead of the usual one-week summit we’re breaking up the workshops to align with and celebrate international sustainability days including; World Food Day, COP28, Energy week, and International Forest Day. 

To celebrate these days we will be posting free, one-hour video sessions with industry experts that include activities suitable for both primary and post-primary schools.

To register for the Climate and Nature Summit and to avail of these free sessions sign up HERE



The climate and ecological emergency is a fast-changing landscape.  It’s hard to keep up! The summit will get you and your students up to speed while also covering fascinating topics delivered by industry experts.

This year’s summit encourages your teachers and students to consider; whether the way we farm makes sense?, how we can spark social change, how we can make the case for action and how we turn our own gardens and community spaces into food forests, carbon stores, wildlife havens, and paradises that foster wellbeing.